On Thu, Feb 19, 2009 at 11:45 PM, Douglas Stebila <doug...@stebila.ca> wrote:
> On 2009-Feb-19, at 1:20 AM, Christiaan Hofman wrote:
>> Are you aware of the Web Group?
> The Web Group is nice, but (a) does not fit naturally into many
> people's workflow, and (b) does not allow for adding importers without
> altering the BibDesk source code.

If we solve (b), does (a) go away? Web group works well enough for me
that I now start in BibDesk when I start looking for a reference.
Maybe the problem is just that it isn't polished enough yet to get
people to change habits?

Or am I being naive and no one will ever really switch from the browser?


> On 2009-Feb-19, at 9:49 AM, Maxwell, Adam R wrote:
>> The short answer is no.  A few sites are supported in the Web group
>> that
>> Christiaan mentioned, but there's no way for users to write plugins
>> that tie
>> into that group.
> It seems to me the natural way to do this right would be to have any
> easy way of plugins that can be used either in the web group or can be
> accessed by AppleScript, which then allows for easy scripts to be
> written for Safari or Firefox or your web browser of choice.
>> If you're using Firefox, you might be interested in this:
>> http://www.mackerron.com/.  It uses Zotero's scrapers to push
>> references to
>> BibDesk.
> I was not aware of Citeulike or Zotero.  Since a lot of work has been
> done by people in developing importers for Zotero it would be nice if
> those importers could be adapted for more generic use outside of the
> Zotero framework, but, after perusing the code, that seems unlikely.
> It would be great if there was a standardized importer framework so
> that importers could be written once and used in lots of programs --
> Zotero, BibDesk, etc. -- but that may be beyond the scope of what is
> reasonable to do at this point.
> If someone more familiar with the BibDesk source code is interested in
> this and willing to work with me on this, I am willing to put some
> time into developing this.  But I don't want to just go off and write
> it without knowing that it fits within the vision the core developers
> have for BibDesk.
> Douglas
>> On 18 Feb 2009, at 6:29 PM, Douglas Stebila wrote:
>>> Is there a standard, simple way to write and install methods for
>>> BibDesk to import citations from Safari/Firefox?
>>> Here's the scenario I'm thinking of.  Users are browsing the web in
>>> Safari or Firefox and they come across a paper on a major site
>>> (arXiv,
>>> Springer, IEEE, etc.) for which they'd like to import the citation
>>> into BibDesk.  It would be great if they could access an AppleScript
>>> in Safari/Firefox, or switch to BibDesk and click a single button,
>>> and
>>> have BibDesk parse the website, pull out the right bibliographic
>>> data,
>>> and create a new citation.
>>> Now, obviously having BibDesk parse all the data and figure it out
>>> automatically is too hard.  But one could write parsers for
>>> individual
>>> websites that know the idiosyncracies of various websites.  Indeed,
>>> this is what a lot of the importer AppleScripts on the BibDesk wiki
>>> do:
>>> http://apps.sourceforge.net/mediawiki/bibdesk/index.php?title=BibDesk_Applescripts
>>> But this results in a lot of duplication of work and work being done
>>> in a non-standard way.  I think there should be (and perhaps there is
>>> and I just don't know about it) a standard way of adding importers of
>>> this form into BibDesk at runtime, and moreover that these importers
>>> should be able to be written in scripting languages (AppleScript,
>>> shell script, etc.) as opposed to having to be written in Objective-C
>>> in the main BibDesk source tree.  This would allow users to easily
>>> add
>>> importers for their favourite websites without needing to know
>>> Objective-C.
>>> I've actually written such an extensible framework entirely in
>>> AppleScript that has importer scripts for websites that I use (arXiv,
>>> IEEE, ACM, Springer), so if you want to see what I mean a temporary
>>> version is available for download at
>>>      http://www.douglas.stebila.ca/files/code/bibdesk/Importers-0.9.2.zip
>>> I'd be happy to contribute to developing part of this if people think
>>> it should be added to BibDesk, but I'm not a very good Objective-C
>>> coder.
>>> But I think this is functionality that lots of people will want and
>>> so
>>> there should be one way to do it, not lots of people writing random
>>> scripts and posting them in random locations.
>>> Regards,
>>> Douglas
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Michael McCracken
UCSD CSE PhD Candidate
research: http://www.cse.ucsd.edu/~mmccrack/
misc: http://michael-mccracken.net/wp/

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