Le 20 févr. 09 à 16:42, Michael McCracken a écrit :

>> The Web Group is nice, but (a) does not fit naturally into many
>> people's workflow, and (b) does not allow for adding importers  
>> without
>> altering the BibDesk source code.
> If we solve (b), does (a) go away? Web group works well enough for me
> that I now start in BibDesk when I start looking for a reference.
> Maybe the problem is just that it isn't polished enough yet to get
> people to change habits?
> Or am I being naive and no one will ever really switch from the  
> browser?

Speaking of BibDesk's browser, a few issues would make it easier to  
integrate it into my workflow. This is an aside to the main importers  
discussion, but I would actually change my habits if the web group  
becomes more "polished". Those are just suggestions based on my  
particular usage patterns.

First, on some sites, it is cumbersome to import multiple entries. On  
a site like the ACM library, import buttons in BibDesk appear on  
individual publications' pages, or inside what they call "Binders".  
They don't appear for search results or proceedings tables of contents.

I can think of three ways to alleviate this issue : tabbed browsing, a  
more efficient "Back/Forward" cache (I don't know if there's any right  
now), or a "don't load this page but show me the publication that it  
links to" feature. Such a a feature (e.g. command-click on a link, and  
instead of loading the page, BD tries to scrape the citations it  
contains) would go well with the importer idea discussed in the thread.

Second, I come across lots of sites that provide citations through RIS  
files (and not bib content). It would be nice if BibDesk could  
download these files and either open them, or display the contained  
data in the publications pane of the web group. This would make a site  
such as hcibib.org directly usable inside BibDesk.

Third, and less related, I often have to clean up publications I add  
through the web group (normalize the cite-key, add keywords, etc.),  
but in order to do so, I have to switch to the Last imported group. I  
would find it more intuitive if I could make changes directly in the  
web view, before importing the publication. I guess the rationale for  
those items being read-only is that, well, they are on the web and not  
on my drive, but maybe this list could become of a staging area before  
the importation.


Louis-Jean Teitelbaum
Open Source Business Conference (OSBC), March 24-25, 2009, San Francisco, CA
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