Am 23.06.2009 um 20:48 schrieb Sumit Narayan:

> Hi,


> First of all, thanks for a wonderful release (1.3.21). It has a great
> UI. I love the new side bar. In Apple's terms, I think its the best BD
> released yet.
> Just a couple of feature request I thought I will push in for  
> debate here:
> 1. When we add a new PDF to BD by drag-and-drop, we get a new window
> for entering the details. It would be nice to see BD automatically
> fill details such as Year, Address and Month if it detects a Booktitle
> that was already entered earlier. They don't change across
> publications anyway.

Even if possible - and I am not sure of that - this could be  
potantially confusing. I do have publications with the same title  
which are nevertheless completely different publications. In fact,  
ever since I switched to biblatex and started using the subtitle  
field more often cases where the title are identical happen more  
often than before (admittedly still nothing very common, though).

> 2. Along with a Keywords link in the side bar, a link for Authors
> (optional, perhaps) so that I could easily select Authors name and see
> all papers by him/her. I know I could do this by having a smart
> folder, or a simple search too, but it would be more straight forward
> this way.

Besides the approaches you already mentioned, you could also sort the  
columns accordingly in the main window. Having all these different  
options to accomplish what you want I don't see the necessity to  
expand the left side bar which in large bibliographies can be quite  
long due to many keywords. As the developers mentioned a few times  
that they try to avoid creating more features that just do the same  
as other features used to I expect they won't be too enthusiastic  
about this request - but I am sure they will reply themselves.

> Finally, I am just putting these requests here for discussion. I
> really love BD and am looking forward to future releases.
> Thanks,
> Sumit.

All the best,


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