On Nov 23, 2009, at 4:21, Adam R. Maxwell wrote:

> On Nov 22, 2009, at 6:52 PM, Nick Illich wrote:
>> One thing I liked about Mendeley, though, was that when I drag one of my 
>> PDFs to the program, it gives me a button that allows me to automatically 
>> try to retrieve information based on Google Scholar if I type in the title, 
>> etc. Is there a way to do something similar in BibDesk?
> Not at present.  If you download or copy e.g., BibTeX or RIS data for that 
> citation, though, you can drop it or paste it on the editor window of the 
> reference (at least, I think that still works).
>> I've been able to import information from Google Scholar and other sites 
>> through BibDesk before, but only if do it before I add a blank entry with a 
>> PDF. Is there a way to look up the information after an entry is created 
>> (from adding a PDF there)?
> There's code to do this for PubMed based on the PDF contents, but not Google 
> Scholar.  I vaguely recall an AppleScript from Brian Helenbrook that did 
> something similar with other indexes, but the links on the wiki are dead.  
> You could implement something yourself with AppleScript, I think.
>> Also, in recent versions, it gives me a warning whenever I add more than one 
>> PDF/blank entries that the cite key is missing. Since I know about it and 
>> will add it later, is there an option that will allow me to turn the warning 
>> off?
> That sounds odd.  Do you have citekey as part of the autofile naming scheme?

Which / what kind of warning are you talking about?

>> Also, when there is a translator for a book, what field does it go under? I 
>> didn't see a translator field, so I created one, but I was just wondering 
>> what others in general used for this kind of situation, if there is an 
>> option I do not know of.
> You'll have to add your own, since that's not a standard BibTeX field.  
> BibLaTeX might define a standard field for it.
>> I also really like being able to view all the keywords on the side pane and 
>> browse by those. I was wondering if there were other "browse by" options, in 
>> particular I'm interested in browsing by the series title, showing all the 
>> volumes of a particular series.
> Absolutely.  See
> http://bibdesk.sourceforge.net/manual/BibDesk%20Help_33.html
> or search for "group" in the help book.

And you can choose the field to use for the field (keyword) groups using View > 
Group Field (or the context menu on the header of those groups).

>> Finally, if my computer fails for some reason and I have to back up all of 
>> my data,
> I recommend backing up before the failure :)
>> would the data links between the pdf and bib file remain in place? For 
>> instance, if I retrieve a copy of my bibliography file from a source and 
>> also a copy of all the pdfs that it had linked to, will the links break or 
>> will it automatically know where to find them? Would they have to maintain 
>> the same path?
> As long as the relative path from the .bib file to the linked files is the 
> same, it will just work.  There are some other details that have been 
> discussed in the archives, like this thread:
> http://www.mail-archive.com/bibdesk-users@lists.sourceforge.net/msg03651.html
> regards,
> Adam

More generally: either 1. the relative path, 2. the full path or 3. the file id 
must remain the same for BibDesk to find the linked file back.


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