On Dec 14, 2009, at 4:23 PM, Christiaan Hofman wrote:

> And here's the follow up on the dev list that led to the current buttons:
> <https://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_name=e50bc19243ca130baaaaf8edffde77b4%40syr.edu&forum_name=bibdesk-develop>

Good find!  I thought the discussion was more conclusive, but couldn't find 
that thread.

> I'm still not sure whether it should be 
> "Discard"  "Cancel"  "Keep"
> or 
> "Discard"  "Edit"  "Keep"

I kind of like "Edit", and I think the "cancel and" could be removed from the 
messages in that case.  I acknowledge the points people have made about "Keep", 
but I haven't seen a better suggestion.

> But one thing is sure: for any wording you'll find someone who doesn't like 
> it ;-)

Maybe it's best just to leave it as-is and annoy people, so they're distracted 
from all the problems that are harder to fix :).


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