On Jan 3, 2010, at 4:18, Adam R. Maxwell wrote:

> On Jan 2, 2010, at 7:04 PM, M. Tamer Özsu wrote:
>> Adam,
>> I think the one mistake I was doing was not tabbing out of that field. I 
>> just ran another experiment: changed the style to abbr again (and checked to 
>> make sure that it was choosing abbr as the style), then went in and typed 
>> "apacite" manually and then hit tab. It did ask me if I really wanted to use 
>> this format although it is not standard style. Once I accepted it, all 
>> worked well. So, the problem was that I was not tabbing out of this field 
>> after I typed. I really had no idea that I needed to tab out -- if it was in 
>> the help files I missed it since I was looking at those before I posted 
>> originally.
> Okay, that's understandable.  Tab or Return will cause validation and (if 
> possible) end editing on the current text field.  I'm in the habit of doing 
> that from early OS X days, so seldom think about it now.  The preferences 
> should probably do that when switching views or closing the window, if 
> possible…I know this has come up before, but maybe it wasn't fixed for all 
> views.
> -- 
> Adam

It is doing that, however too late (in windowWillClose rather than 
windowShouldClose). I've just changed that (for the next nightly).


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