
I am currently managing my PDF files by auto filing them in a specific folder 
and naming them by the associated reference's Pmid (Pubmed ID). 
In order to fulfill the Auto File Local File Format rules my format string is: 
With the %n[_]0 I end up with duplicates of the same pdf if I accidentally drag 
the same pdf into bibdesk a second (or third) time.
This often happens because my Auto File folder has 2,600 pdf files in it.

I have three questions:

1) Is there a way for Import Publications to scan my reference library to 
determine if I have already have a reference for the incoming pdf? Currently, 
when I download a pdf that I think I don't have (but actually do) and drag it 
onto my large primary .bib file I end up with a duplicate pdf file with _0 
added to the filename (as per my format string). 

2) Is there a way to make Import Publications scan my Auto File folder to 
determine if the pdf that I am importing already exists? Currently, if I am 
working with a smaller .bib reference list dragging in a given pdf is very 
useful to populate that reference into my .bib file, but if I already have the 
pdf then I don't necessarily need another copy in my Auto File Folder. This can 
occur when someone has emailed me a pdf and I want to import it into a unique 
.bib file.

It seems that 1) and 2) could be accomplished in the same task, first scanning 
whether or not the incoming pdf's associated reference exists, and adding it if 
it doesn't, and then determining if the pdf already exists and adding it if it 

3) Is there a way to scan all existing references in a .bib file and 
auto-associate pdf's from the Auto File Folder to references with matching 
Pmid's (or other unique identifier)? This happens when I create a new bib file 
with new references and I already have pdf's in my Auto File Folder. This is 
different from question 2) because here the reference already exists in the 
file and the pdf may already exist in the folder. 

I have a script hook to compare an incoming pdf filename with all pdf file 
names in my Auto File Folder, however the Import Publications feature overrides 
any attempt at stopping a pdf's auto filing or a reference's creation.

Many thanks for any and all advice,

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