On Sep 16, 2011, at 16:39, Adam R. Maxwell wrote:

> On Sep 16, 2011, at 04:28 , Christian Pleul wrote:
>> On 16.09.2011, at 12:11, Christiaan Hofman wrote:
>>> Feature. An percent in bibtex data is not valid, or more precisely it's a 
>>> comment character.
> IIRC the bibtex grammar doesn't actually have a comment character, though it 
> has @comment for scribe compatibility.  Having a % in your file is only a 
> potential problem for TeX; much like an underscore in a title, it would have 
> to be written to the .bbl file and processed by TeX before a problem actually 
> appears.

I really meant tex. Bibtex treats percents in a field value as a normal 
character. Note that the problem occurs in the pdflatex step, not in the bibtex 


>>> So the data is invalid. BTW, if you see it in the third step it means you 
>>> get it in the tex data, which means you are using the Annotation field in 
>>> your bibtex style, which probably is something you should not do, therefore 
>>> it may be your problem.
>> I am not consciously using the annote field, but maybe it's done by biblatex 
>> and biber...
> If you were using bibtex, I'd agree with Christiaan's assessment completely.  
> I just added a percent to an annote field, and BibDesk's preview works fine 
> with it (using bibtex, not biblatex).  I've always considered it a feature 
> that annote/abstract is ignored by bibtex, so I don't bother cleaning them up.
>> For BD, I only selected the option "Save Annote and Abstract fields at the 
>> end of the items".
> IIRC that's only done so bibtex doesn't overflow a buffer and choke when 
> parsing an entry with an excessively long abstract/annote.
> -- 
> Adam

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