Christiaan Hofman wrote:
> On Nov 29, 2011, at 21:30, FZiegler wrote:
>> Christiaan Hofman wrote:
>>> On Nov 18, 2011, at 6:58, FZiegler wrote:
>>>> 1) The line `set value of field "Bdsk-File-1" to ""' has no effect. It is 
>>>> meant to erase that field, but it seems it either doesn't or the field 
>>>> gets regenerated on every save. Is there a better way that would actually 
>>>> remove it?
>>> You should never access those fields. Those fields only exists in the saved 
>>> file, they don't exist in the program. You only have the linked files, so 
>>> if you want to remove them you should delete those.
>> I understood tyhe above and removed this line from my script, but no I 
>> do in fact have to ask: is there a simple change I could make in 
>> BibDesk's source so that on saving a file it *doesn't* write these 
>> "Bdsk-File-*" fields? (or at least writes empty fields?)
> Well, you could. But it could lead to some inconsistencies in how things 
> work, because BibDesk assumes that they are data. If you don't want to save 
> them, then simply don't have linked files in your database, it's as simple as 
> that.

Aha. Now I see that control-clicking a linked file gives me a "remove" 
option. So I'll link files to have my script generate Local-Url, then 
remember to always immediately "remove" the file and choose not to have 
it moved to the trash -- I guess that's the idea? That works for me.


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