On Nov 29, 2011, at 23:14, FZiegler wrote:

> Christiaan Hofman wrote:
>> On Nov 29, 2011, at 22:57, FZiegler wrote:
>>>> Well, you could. But it could lead to some inconsistencies in how things 
>>>> work, because BibDesk assumes that they are data. If you don't want to 
>>>> save them, then simply don't have linked files in your database, it's as 
>>>> simple as that.
>>> Aha. Now I see that control-clicking a linked file gives me a "remove" 
>>> option. So I'll link files to have my script generate Local-Url, then 
>>> remember to always immediately "remove" the file and choose not to have 
>>> it moved to the trash -- I guess that's the idea? That works for me.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Francois
>> Doen't the script remove the linked file? 
> Hmmmm, no, but you're makink me realize that there probably is a way to 
> make it do all the operations I spelled out above? This is what it does 
> currently:
> using terms from application "BibDesk"
>       on perform BibDesk action with publications thePubs for script hook 
> theScriptHook
>               repeat with thePub in thePubs
>                       set thePub to contents of thePub
>                       tell thePub

                        if (count of linked files) > 0 then

>                               set thePath to quoted form of (get POSIX path 
> of linked file 1)
>                               set thePath to do shell script "echo " & 
> thePath & "|sed -e 
> \"s|$HOME|~|\""
>                               set value of field "Local-Url" to thePath

                                delete linked file 1
                        end if

>                       end tell
>               end repeat
>       end perform BibDesk action with publications
> end using terms from
>> And how do you get the linked file in the first place?
> By dropping it from the Finder onto the "Drop Files Here" well. (So far 
> as I can tell, dropping a file onto the "Local-Url" field creates a link 
> to where it is, but no longer autofiles it as it used to in 1.3.12.)
> Thanks again,
> Francois

An alternative is to auto-file through a script hook.


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