On Dec 11, 2012, at 4:34, Dr. Adam M. Goldstein PhD MSLIS wrote:

> On Dec 10, 2012, at 7:17 PM, Christiaan Hofman <cmhof...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Dec 11, 2012, at 0:04, Dr. Adam M. Goldstein PhD MSLIS wrote:
>>> Now I would like to create a working copy of the directory, and have the 
>>> records in my bibliography point to the papers in the repository. I am not 
>>> sure how to do this and I don't want to unlink all of my PDF's :)
>> Where do they point to now?
> To a folder I named Papers-old

Which is the old Papers, which you just renamed?

Does it mean that you saved the .bib file after things went wrong?

>>> I moved the Papers directory that was uploaded to the repository to 
>>> Papers-old, and then created a working copy called Papers. I figured that 
>>> the references in the records would point to the files in the 
>>> working-copy-Papers directory, which is identical to the initial directory.
>> What do you mean by "identical"?
> All and only files with the same names as the initial directory.
>>> But the records all point to the files in Papers-old. Not what I want.
>> It may depend on whether you had the .bib file open how it behaves. When the 
>> database is open, it will try to follow the linked files as they are moved. 
>> If the .bib file was closed, then after opening it will try to resolve the 
>> linked files by relative path first, and then by alias.
>>> I had the thought of selecting all of the records with attached files and 
>>> telling BibDesk to autofile them, but that ended up moving the linked files 
>>> into the new directory. I think a new file name was generated as well for 
>>> the moved file so as not to have the same one as the file already there. I 
>>> thought it would "re-lilnk" to the files in in the working-copy-Papers 
>>> directory.
>> Different files are different files. Why would it re-link to different 
>> files? Autofile moves files to a unique location, unless it's already there.
> I thought it would just look for files with the same names, in the directory 
> autofile was set to when they were filed.

Neither is true, the first part is only partially true, while the latter is 
completely untrue.

> But, as you suggest, those files are not the same as those the records 
> originally pointed to.
> So, I think this describes what I want to do.
> 0. Records are linked to files in Papers.
> 1. The Papers directory is committed (imported) into the repository.
> 2. A new directory called Papers-WC is created by checking out the Papers 
> directory. It has all and only files in the Papers directory.
> 3. Records point to the files in Papers-WC.
> I hope this is more precise…any ideas? 
> ------------------
> Adam M. Goldstein PhD, MSLIS
> --

This is not consistent. Are the linked files pointing to Papers or Papers-old?

And what happens with your .bib file? Is it on the volume where the old Papers 
folder is, and where the Papers-WC will be? Is it also in the repository, or 
outside it?

If it is in the repository, than things should just work, because the relative 
path will always be the same.

Otherwise, you have to make sure that the relative path between the .bib file 
and the papers will remain the same. So starting from a .bib file somewhere 
else on the same volume, this is how it could work.

0. Records are linked to files in Papers
1. Make sure the .bib database is closed and saved
2. Papers directory is imported in the repository
3. Old Papers directory is removed (moved)
4. Create a new working copy (checkout) in the old location Papers
5. Open the .bib database
6. The records should be linked to the new working copy in the old location, as 
the relative path is the same
7. Make sure you save the .bib database to refresh the saved aliases (file IDs)
8. If you want to put the WC somewhere else, you could *now* (after saving and 
closing) move the Papers to Papers-WC
9. Then open the .bib database again, check the links are OK, and save it again


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