On Dec 11, 2012, at 5:17 AM, Christiaan Hofman <cmhof...@gmail.com> wrote:

> This is not consistent. Are the linked files pointing to Papers or Papers-old?
> And what happens with your .bib file? Is it on the volume where the old 
> Papers folder is, and where the Papers-WC will be? Is it also in the 
> repository, or outside it?
> If it is in the repository, than things should just work, because the 
> relative path will always be the same.
> Otherwise, you have to make sure that the relative path between the .bib file 
> and the papers will remain the same. So starting from a .bib file somewhere 
> else on the same volume, this is how it could work.
> 0. Records are linked to files in Papers
> 1. Make sure the .bib database is closed and saved
> 2. Papers directory is imported in the repository
> 3. Old Papers directory is removed (moved)
> 4. Create a new working copy (checkout) in the old location Papers
> 5. Open the .bib database
> 6. The records should be linked to the new working copy in the old location, 
> as the relative path is the same
> 7. Make sure you save the .bib database to refresh the saved aliases (file 
> IDs)
> 8. If you want to put the WC somewhere else, you could *now* (after saving 
> and closing) move the Papers to Papers-WC
> 9. Then open the .bib database again, check the links are OK, and save it 
> again
> Christiaan

I followed the steps above, or at least, tried my best.  It didn't work. The 
papers remained linked to the directory called Papers-1 wherever I moved it. 
This, even after I deleted the preferences file, selected and re-selected 
Papers. I created a disk image and put the Papers-1 directory on it, and then 
ejected it, so it could no longer be found. Now none of the PDF's will link to 
any folder, including Papers-1, no matter where I move it.

Any suggestions would be helpful!

Adam M. Goldstein PhD, MSLIS
Associate Editor
Reviews Editor
Evolution: Education & Outreach
Spellman 205
(914) 637-2717 (msg)
Dept of Philosophy
Iona College
715 North Avenue
New Rochelle NY 10801

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