Good evening, 

I need to export my entire bib desk-bibliography into a csv file, but with cite 
keys only, separated by comma or anything else (that a script can later 
identify as a separator).

I was reading on export templates and export tags as well as building custom 
templates with the build-in template editor  (sources see bottom). 

I was building a custom template, like:




I cannot test it, though. 
Problem is: when trying to export within Bibdesk, there is only a drop down 
menue with a couple of file formats (html, rtf, txt) but I cannot find my new 
one (which I put into the template folder to the other templates). 

The above mentioned help sources on Sourceforge mention a dialog in which I can 
select templates. I do not have this. I do not even have the menu item "Using 
Template“ in my drop-down menu. 

Question: is my Bibdesk to old or broken?
Question: am I going the right way or is there an easier way of getting all 
one´s cite keys in a csv-file?

I am using Bibdesk Version 1.6.13 (4389) on Mac OS 10.9.5

Thanks for your hints and have a good start of the week!


Export templates:

Template builder

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