Just go to the Template preferences, drop your template file on the table, and 
edit the template name. Then your template will appear in the drop down menu 
and the Copy As menus.


> On 10 Feb 2019, at 22:34, Christiaan Hofman <cmhof...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Or are you talking about the popup in the save panel? In thay case, you have 
> to register the template in tge Template preferences. 
> Christiaan
> Op zo 10 feb. 2019 22:24 schreef Christiaan Hofman <cmhof...@gmail.com 
> <mailto:cmhof...@gmail.com>:
> You can just type in any file extension you like in that fueld  ut us a combo 
> box, which is a combination of a text field and a popup. 
> Christiaan
> Op zo 10 feb. 2019 20:17 schreef Björn <pihte...@arcor.de 
> <mailto:pihte...@arcor.de>:
> Good evening, 
> I need to export my entire bib desk-bibliography into a csv file, but with 
> cite keys only, separated by comma or anything else (that a script can later 
> identify as a separator).
> I was reading on export templates and export tags as well as building custom 
> templates with the build-in template editor  (sources see bottom). 
> I was building a custom template, like:
> <$publications>
> <$citeKey/>
> </$publications>
> I cannot test it, though. 
> Problem is: when trying to export within Bibdesk, there is only a drop down 
> menue with a couple of file formats (html, rtf, txt) but I cannot find my new 
> one (which I put into the template folder to the other templates). 
> The above mentioned help sources on Sourceforge mention a dialog in which I 
> can select templates. I do not have this. I do not even have the menu item 
> "Using Template“ in my drop-down menu. 
> Question: is my Bibdesk to old or broken?
> Question: am I going the right way or is there an easier way of getting all 
> one´s cite keys in a csv-file?
> I am using Bibdesk Version 1.6.13 (4389) on Mac OS 10.9.5
> Thanks for your hints and have a good start of the week!
> Peter

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