I am a long-time BibDesk user with a large .bib file (30k+ entries, 140+ MB), and I am familiar with a couple of factors that slow down BibDesk, although they may not be related to Simon's situation. (1) First, if I search for keywords in the quick search field, and I edit one or more of the entries in the search results without clearing the search first, there is a short delay (five seconds?) after editing the entries, presumably because BibDesk is doing some recalculating. (2) Second, I have a very long list of smart groups, and whenever I open the large .bib file (which I don't do often because I always keep the file open since BibDesk is my external brain) BibDesk locks up for several minutes while it calculates so many smart groups for so many entries. After BibDesk finishes doing that, I immediately collapse the list of smart groups (which serve an important purpose but are rarely used) so that BibDesk does not recalculate them every time I edit an entry, which would be tortuously slow. There is another simple way of avoiding these slowdowns in practice: Whenever I want to edit many entries that are in a list of search results or in a smart group, I drag the contents of the search results or of the smart group to one or more temporary static groups (I keep many empty static groups ready for this purpose), and then I clear the search or collapse the list of smart groups, and then I can edit the entries in the static groups without any slowdown.

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