Sorry, Mike, but I'm just trying to set the record straight.  You did a
good job of perusing the city ordinances and finding something that on
the surface looks related.  But given the context of Chapter 10
generally, and a closer review of the City Ordinances, I have to
disagree.  MGO Chapter 1 indicates that Chapter 10 is enforceable by
"City Engineer, Street Superintendent, and Neighborhood Preservation and
Inspection Division Director or her/his designee.", not by Police.  See
MGO 1.08(4).  MGO 10.23 Obstruction of Streets and Sidewalks is not a
traffic offense.  Ask the Chief or the Judge.  If one them tells you
otherwise I will jump for joy, but I think you will get the same answer
as I provided.  Bottom line is that we need to finish the job of
revising the state statutes that was started in the early 90's
(actually, even earlier) to update the Wisconsin Vehicle Code to the UVC
by incorporating into Wisconsin statutes the UVC sections in my last
e-mail to have an enforceable law on opening car doors into traffic.


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