Cut these road capacity expansion projects:

High gas prices this year, which are projected to continue through 2009
have begun to alter the behavior of Americans.   Given the resulting
reduced traffic volumes and reduced crash rates and the increased usage
of alternatives to motor vehicles, I believe it is prudent to delay
expanding roadway capacity. It is also prudent to invest now in
alternatives. To that end, I would like to submit my list of projects
for 2009 that should be scaled back: 

Project 17-21: CTH M 
This project should be re-worked without the increase in non-bike lanes
on CTH M. Other aspects of this project look good. 

Project 23: Femrite Drive Phase 2 
This project should be re-worked without the increase in non-bike lanes
on Femrite Drive. Other aspects of this project look good. 

Project 30: Hoepker Road 
This project should be re-worked without the increase in non-bike lanes
on Hoepker Road. Other aspects of this project look good.

I have solicited public input on the possibility of removing these
projects from the capital budget, and it seemed nobody could come up
with a compelling argument why the expansions must take place now - in
these tough budget times.  I would suggest that unless an extremely
compelling argument is heard on the council floor, that the above three
projects not be funded in their current state.  Ideally, the above three
projects would be funded to support the simple reconstruction of the
road with bike lanes.  This could save a significan amount of money,
especially the Hoepker Road project.

Increase NTMP funding to $500,000

Additionally, The Neighborhood Traffic Management Program should not be
cut to $50,000, it should be expanded to $500,000.  This has
traditionally been a very popular program with many neighborhoods taking
part in the selection process.  The Madision Police Department regularly
suggests that only Traffic Engineering is capable of addressing traffic
issues (the #1 issue in many districts) in the long term.  If the MPD is
correct, then the funding for NMTP should be increased, not decreased.

Support Motor Vehicle Alternatives!

High gas prices have changed the behavior of Americans and polls taken
this summer suggest the change may be permanent.  Therefore, it seems
prudent to accommodate the increased demand for alternatives to
single-occupancy motor vehicle travel in Madison wherever possible in
the Capital Budget.

Matt Logan
1822 Jenifer Street
Madison WI 53704

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