Hello all,

Great weather for riding!  bummer that I've got not one but two pulled muscles 
from softball..argh
Following up from a great presentation on sustainable development at Monona 
Terrace a few weeks back (If you were there I'm the guy from Normal...most 
don't believe that's possible) by Doug Farr sponsored by Sustaine Dane and 
Steve Steinhoff's Neighborhood Design Center...Steve has sent out an update 
with link to video from Wisconsin Eye...for fans of rational, sustainable 
infill development it is a must see.  To combat sprawl we've got to have a new 
design and functional movement here to capatalize on growth corridors that have 
a much better future use...clearly East Wash corridor is one...and with the 
Build Plan there finished, and Tenney's nearby..not to mention the new City 
Economic Development Plan, TIF policy rewrites, Downtown Plan and Zoning 
rewrite...well...let's just say we're at a critical juncture to come up with 
policy(ies) to fully realize what Madison in its center can become, and its 
ability .... here's the link...
Little discussed on the very limited forum (I think Linday Lohan's status has 
gotten far more postings) posts regarding the major stories of development 
recently in the isthmus..both covers...Marc Eisen's Epic 2 Parter of earlier 
this summer and Terrence Wall's piece last week was the fact that the housing 
sprawl is following...NOT leading...where the job development goes...its very 
natural....look at suburban office parks and their role in the sprawl of major 
cities in our country from the late 60s on....we've got to figure out way(s) to 
make as much of that growth stay central...where public transit, housing 
density and services are/or could be...well suited for a more successful AND 
sustainable Madison....business expansion  (and cultural options expansion), as 
well as that of University etc, is a major variable that we have to plan for.  
Clearly cycling is a functional transit option for this type of growth.  Riding 
downtown for dinner and a movie
 or lunch and work, etc...now THAT would be cool.
Limping off my soapbox now,
Ride Safe,
Troy Thiel

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