I went to the hospital Saturday to see Tim and say goodbye. He wasn't able
to talk so I had to carry on the conversation for both of us. Luckily
talking is a special talent of mine. We observed the massive new parking
deck just outside his window, which was obscuring the view of the capital
and the university (if he could hear me he was pissed). Reminisced about
working the polls together at East High and his math wizardry justifying
the poll books. At the time he told me he'd been kicked out of the polling
place in his neighborhood because he was causing a ruckus. I told him I was
shocked, simply shocked. Talked about bike advocacy and the good work he
had done and that would be continued. I will miss his presence.  Rest easy

On Wed, Jun 28, 2017 at 6:59 AM, Rummel, Marsha via Bikies <
bikies@lists.danenet.org> wrote:

> Tim served on the TPC for many years. He was not reappointed by a former
> Mayor. He was a great advocate for Metro too. He did speak his mind and was
> also quite strategic. And funny and very smart. He will be missed.
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Jun 27, 2017, at 10:56 PM, Scott Morris Rose via Bikies <
> bikies@lists.danenet.org> wrote:
> Bummer. He was already one of the grey heads of bicycle advocacy when I
> arrived in Madison in '87. He, along with Mark Shahan and Lisa Goodman, was
> a founding member of the BTA and of whatever organization preceded it, the
> name of which I forget. Madison used to have a Bike/Ped Commission, of
> which he was long the chair. Later, that was rejiggered to be the Motor
> Vehicle Commission or something similar, and he was squeezed out. That was
> not a happy day.
> He always had strong opinions but I can't think of any instances where he
> was actually wrong, even (or particularly) when we disagreed.
> I was looking forward to connecting with him again on his vaguely planned
> trip to the PNW. He waited too long.
> Murderist was another of his fractured terms. Also Repugnican. And
> Demonrat.
> What a loss.
> On Tue, Jun 27, 2017 at 8:33 PM, Robbie Webber via Bikies <
> bikies@lists.danenet.org> wrote:
>> Tim Wong passed from this world on Monday afternoon. I'm posting this
>> here, because Tim was so important and memorable to the biking community.
>> If you didn't know Tim, you really missed a true Madison character, and
>> someone who you can thank for starting some of the bike advocacy that
>> continues today.
>> Maybe some on this list who remember farther back than me can share some
>> of his early adventures, like the mass, simultaneous flats that a group got
>> at the intersection of John Nolen, Blair, and Willy St. If you think that
>> intersection is bad now, you can thank Tim that it isn't worse. I don't
>> know the whole story, but I know that Tim helped organize a protest that
>> made it at least somewhat safer for bicyclists and pedestrians at a time
>> when almost no one rode a bike for transportation.
>> Tim wrote more letters, showed up at more meetings, and spoke at more
>> city committees than almost anyone I've known. He never owned a car, and
>> was probably the person that first coined the term "death-mobile." Tim was
>> not subtle about his distaste for cars and driving. He could be irritating
>> and alienated some people -- including his allies. But you could never say
>> he didn't speak his mind and stand up for what he believed.
>> Tim was 69, and rode his bike everywhere until a month ago, when he fell
>> (not while riding) and hit his head, leading to complications that
>> ultimately led to his death.
>> If you knew Tim and didn't know he was in the hospital, this may come as
>> a shock. If you didn't know him, you have no idea how far back his advocacy
>> for bicycling goes. He wasn't always easy to work with, but he will be
>> deeply missed.
>> Rest in peace, Tim.
>> Robbie Webber
>> Transportation geek
>> All opinions are my own, and not necessarily those of any group or
>> organization with which I am affiliated.
>> Founding member, Madison Bikes
>> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.madisonbikes.org_&d=DwMFaQ&c=byefhD2ZumMFFQYPZBagUCDuBiM9Q9twmxaBM0hCgII&r=fKg_tROiipk7zosxPjHkB0GjEzJksqlNB0bt438XmxU&m=R3yLzqvGTLRqjFF2oYFssn4Prj_x3_uasLs0jb4Jdfw&s=3rf2Bd8PMObRNHO1fciDBN1hsEpCjpcs-JVFG2peQ0Q&e=>
>> *...where anyone can ride a bicycle conveniently and comfortably to any
>> place year round.*
>> MadisonBikes.org
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> --
> S. Rose
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