Alejandro Mery wrote:
> the first, when i try to move big mails using MUA it binc crashes:
> @4000000043a18b3a387a6d6c terminate called after throwing an instance of
> 'std::bad_alloc'
> @4000000043a18b3a39090554   what():  St9bad_alloc
> @4000000043a18b3b069d88ec <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> authentication failed: server
> died by signal 6

This looks like memory problems on your part. In what way do you move
the mail? How big are the mails? How much memory has the binc machine?

> the second, i get some mails corrupted on MUAs.
> example:
> 260K    cur/,S
> has an image attached, but in the middle of the enconded image the
> header starts again, then the image and in the middle, the header and loop.

This "can" really not be a binc problem since binc does not change the
content of the email.

Jerry Lundström, System Developer
The Division of IT and media, Stockholm University, Sweden
+46 (0)8 16 19 99 /

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