On Sun, Apr 5, 2009 at 8:48 PM, Mark Andrews <mark_andr...@isc.org> wrote:
>        Named is still able to return answers if you tell it not to
>        validate the answers by setting CD=1 in the query.  This flag
>        is usually used when you have a validating resolver using another
>        validating resolver to get its answers.
>        When the lookups were failing answers like this were returned.

The one thing I didn't do was a direct dig itself. I was tailing
dnssec.log and watching the DLV lookups failing, and my web browser
was failing to load any site, reporting the hostname couldn't be

Above, you mention setting CD=1 in the query. How is this done by
applications trying to resolve hostnames
when there's a problem like last nights? Would setting the named.conf
directive dnssec-validation no;
do this? (as I mentioned previously, I had to comment out
dnssec-validation and the trust anchor directive that points to ISC so
I could resolve queries)

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