
I'm not really sure what to do about this. I'm running Bind 9 on FreeBSD. 
Suddenly this morning I began noticing the following in /var/log/messages:

Aug 26 12:48:56 netlink named[295]: client no more recursiv
e clients: quota reached
Aug 26 12:48:56 netlink named[295]: client no more recursiv
e clients: quota reached
Aug 26 12:48:58 netlink named[295]: client no more recursiv
e clients: quota reached

The client in question ( is our mail server. I read that one 
should not allow recursive queries from outside of your network, but the mail 
server is within our network. Also on the mail server, the mail queue currently 
has about 40 entries. It usually has from 2 - 5 or is empty.

Our DNS server is not heavily used, so I assumed it would be OK to increase the 
number of recursive queries allowd. In /etc/named.conf I inserted the following:

recursive-clients       5000;

then restarted bind. That didn't seem to help much, I am still getting the same 
error message in /var/log/messages on an intermittent basis. Also, if I do a 
rncd status I see the following:

number of zones: 14
debug level: 0
xfers running: 0
xfers deferred: 0
soa queries in progress: 0
query logging is OFF
recursive clients: 564/1000
tcp clients: 0/100
server is up and running

The lins recursive clients: 564/1000 bothers me, did my change to 
/etc/named.conf not get oicked up? It appears that the max recursive clients is 
still at bind's default of 1000.

Any ideas on how I should go about solving/fixing this?


Lisa Casey
bind-users mailing list

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