On Thu, Aug 27, 2009 at 12:17 PM, Niall O'Reilly<niall.orei...@ucd.ie> wrote:
> Lisa Casey wrote:
>> Aug 26 12:48:56 netlink named[295]: client no more
>> recursiv
>> e clients: quota reached
>> Any ideas on how I should go about solving/fixing this?
>        I'ld suggest you check your connectivity and routing.
>        We see this behaviour occasionally, but only ever as a
>        consequence of a back-hoe incident or similar catastrophe which
>        isolates one of our campuses where there is a local resolving
>        server.

Although it may not be a problem on your end of the network.  You
could be seeing a spike in DNS queries because somebody really, really
wants to talk to a remote location that is having problems.

DNStop may be able to help you pinpoint what DNS queries are giving
you problems:

Run it on the DNS server to see if there are any queries that you are
seeing get repeated continuously.

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