Stephane Bortzmeyer wrote:
On Mon, Oct 26, 2009 at 05:47:57PM +0530,
ram <> wrote a message of 20 lines which said:

If wildcard DNS is a bad idea,

Wildcards *address* records (A and AAAA), not all wildcards.

See <>
or <>
for a start.
The gist of all that, is that wildcards turn responses for non-existent names from NXDOMAIN (no such name) to NODATA (a pseudo-RCODE meaning, basically, "the name exists, but not with the QTYPE you asked for) or to the wildcarded value, depending on whether the wildcarded entry/entries cover the QTYPE or not.

In the case of NODATA, a particular app, using a QTYPE which you didn't anticipate with a wildcard entry, may have been expecting NXDOMAIN for the query, and may in fact have a particular code path based on that response. NODATA may be unexpected, and may go down the wrong code path, with perhaps undesirable consequences.

In the case of receiving the wildcarded value, this applies to *all* protocols and ports, so while you may have, say, HTTP and SMTP covered as hosted services on your network (as Verisign did with Site Finder on the Internet), one day a device gets plugged into your network that speaks a completely different protocol, and it starts connecting to the target of the wildcard, instead of failing over as expected, or simply/unambiguously failing. Hilarity ensues. This is an accident waiting to happen.

We use wildcards very sparingly here, for mail routing, but fortunately we have very few mail platforms to deal with internally, and so far (knock on wood) all of them deal with wildcard MXes sanely. I wouldn't recommend using wildcards in a heterogenous environment and/or for address (A/AAAA) records. There's just way too many things looking those up, and you can't be sure they'll all behave properly once the wildcards change the content of the responses.

- Kevin

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