
I'm not sure if there is a syntax error or if I've missed to include something but for some reason my forward zone files don't seem to be working :-(

I pulled the skeleton of the files straight off my working Solaris 9 boxes which use Bind 9 from Blastwave! I checked and double checked the paths in named.conf as Blastwave has all it's files stored in /opt/csw/.... and /etc/opt/csw... directories; while with native Sol10 and OpenSol Bind I can use /etc and /var/named respectively.

The zone files 'domain' are just so that I can use the Sun Secure Global Desktop software in a test platform which is why I have decided to allocated the FQDN of sgd.test.

These are the zone files:


; BIND data file for example.com
$TTL    1d
@       IN      SOA     ns-m.test.  mail.test. (
                          2009103007         ; Serial
                                      7200         ; Refresh
                                        120         ; Retry
                                2419200         ; Expire
                                    86400)        ; Default TTL
                                   IN      NS      ns-m.test.
ns-m.test.                      IN      A
sgd.test.                        IN      A


$TTL 1d ;
@       IN      SOA     ns-m.test.  mail.test. (

      IN      NS      ns-m.test.
24      IN      PTR     ns-m.test.
24      IN      PTR     sgd.test.

This is the error I receive from OpenSol:

Oct 30 13:24:11 sgd named[2025]: [ID 873579 daemon.notice] starting BIND 9.3.6-P1 Oct 30 13:24:11 sgd named[2025]: [ID 873579 daemon.notice] command channel listening on Oct 30 13:24:11 sgd named[2025]: [ID 873579 daemon.warning] /var/named/sgd.db:13: ignoring out-of-zone data (ns-m.test)
Oct 30 13:24:11 sgd named[2025]: [ID 873579 daemon.notice] running

Also the same error for Sol10:

Oct 30 13:43:31 sgd named[1857]: [ID 873579 daemon.notice] starting BIND 9.3.6-P1 Oct 30 13:43:31 sgd named[1857]: [ID 873579 daemon.notice] command channel listening on Oct 30 13:43:31 sgd named[1857]: [ID 873579 daemon.warning] /var/named/sgd.db:13: ignoring out-of-zone data (ns-m.test)
Oct 30 13:43:31 sgd named[1857]: [ID 873579 daemon.notice] running

Reverse lookups are all perfectly ok!!

What am I missing here???

In Debian Etch ages ago I had to include the statement:

test.        IN      NS      ns-m.test.

but of course with this version of Bind it doesn't like it.....

I am completely lost as I've said above on my Sol9 boxes running Bind 9 from Blastwave all is fine using exact same syntax in zone files so why don't my forward zone files work now???

Many thanks for any help!


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