Sorry, but could You specify more accurately what is "bad" ? This is
my first bind configuration, so probably I've made some mistakes, but
I'd like to do it the right way in the end.:)

On Tue, Nov 10, 2009 at 11:19 PM, Laurent CARON <> wrote:
> On 10/11/2009 23:07, Błażej Ślusarek wrote:
>> Hello,
> Hi
>> I'd like to ask for help in setting up my DNS server. When I start the
>> server, everything is fine, but only for some time. After the "some
>> time" passes, my external domain name cannot be resolved from anywhere
>> on the Internet. When I restart the Named, everything is back to
>> normal after few seconds, again for the "some time". Here are some
>> fragments of my DNS configuration:
>> ***
>> options {
>>     directory "/var/bind";
>>     forward first;
>>     forwarders {
>>         some.ip;
>>     };
>>     allow-query { any; };
>>     allow-recursion { any; };
> bad
>>     listen-on-v6 { none; };
>>     listen-on {; internal.ip; external.ip; };
>> zone "" IN {
>>     type master;
>>     file "pri/";
>>     allow-update { none; };
>>     //allow-transfer { slaves; };
>>     allow-transfer { any; };
> bad
>>     notify yes;
>> };
>> ***
>> I've got no clue what could be the cause of this behavior. The server
>> should provide service to internal and external networks and allow
>> zone transfers. I'd also like to ask for correct iptables
>> configuration for the above dns settings. I'm quite not sure that if I
>> have the "forwarders" option, I have to enable port 53 in FORWARD
>> chain, or maybe just INPUT and OUTPUT is enough. Also, what rules are
>> necessary for the zone transfer to work?
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