On 1/18/2010 4:27 PM, Todd wrote:
Good day all,

We've run into a problem with our DNS servers.  The way we update our
masters is via a CVS Checkout and reload of the zones modified.
Sometimes though, we need to reload the whole config for big
changs/etc.  When that happens, all 6 masters (I know, we're getting
rid of some) send notifies to all 80+ (I know, we're getting rid of
some) slaves for all 1800 zones.  This causes all the slaves to verify
all 1800 zones on 6 masters, which then delays the changes we made
from actually getting to the slaves.  Right now it's about 2.5 hours
for all slaves to do all zones.

We would like to make this better.
Can anyone help with ideas on this?  Are we missing something obvious?

In that situation I'd consider using CVS on all of the servers to maintain the DNS data.
Just make all of the servers masters, and forget about slaves.

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