I agree - we are removing 1/2 the masters in a couple weeks to help
things.  Slaves only talk to masters, there are no "slaves of slaves"
as we refer to them.  Our architecture goal has been uniformity among
the configurations, and this is part of the price we pay for that.

At a functional level, this will persist, just not with as much
traffic.  As a result of our use of CVS, and our inability to control
notifies, whenever we push out big updates, the first master takes all
the traffic, while the others sit there unused.  We've experimented
with breaking up the notifies by pushing updates in chunks to various
masters, but that really breaks things, both process-wise and

What we really need is some way to say "there is an update, any one of
these servers has an acceptable version of the update" instead of
"hey, there's an update" "hey, there's an update" "hey there's an
update" and having each slave go to each of the masters.  While it
seems trivial operationally to handle these loads, and we're not
concerned about network bandwidth, a single master can only manage so
many transactions at once.  I doubt we're even in the top 50% of
deployments, zone count wise, so I am confident that our number of
zones isn't an issue.  But I suspect that 80+ slaves are a little out
there.  with 80 slaves and 1800 zones, each master sends out 144000
notifies (for major changes/a master reload), which triggers 144000
SOA queries back to the master very quickly.  That is bound to cause

One option we've considered is making our MASTERS and NS records point
to an anycast IP/load balancer so that there can be multiple masters
answering for the same notify.  Another option would be to stop all
notifies altogether, then figure out a way to manually trigger
notifies (generating notifys via perl script/something clever) so we
can control where the notifies come from.  When all the EU DNS servers
get notifies first from an NA master, they grab the data from there,
so being able to control notifies would be nice sometimes.

Thankfully we're mid-rearchitecture, and this will (hopefully) be torn
out soon, but until it is we need to make sure that our users can
manage their changes in a reasonable manner.  A for loop doing "rndc
retransfer" for changed zones, which seems to bypass all the
congestion, is a short term fix until we can figure out how to make
things a little smoother.

Apologies for the wall of text - this is a frequent discussion with
very little in the way of conclusion around here :)


On Wed, Jan 20, 2010 at 10:33 PM, Joseph S D Yao <j...@tux.org> wrote:
> On Wed, Jan 20, 2010 at 03:52:33PM -0500, Todd wrote:
>> > serial-query-rate
>> While this appears to be helping in the lab, it's still taking between
>> 2 and 3 minutes for each slave to even finish receiving the NOTIFYs
>> from the master.  They then start hitting the master(s) with SOA
>> queries whch seems to take a really long time.
> Your NOTIFY tree sounds like it's many-to-many.  Maybe you should be
> using a sparser tree.
> --
> /*********************************************************************\
> **
> ** Joe Yao                              j...@tux.org - Joseph S. D. Yao
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