Thats the baptista vortex. I've used it to clean up root servers of traffic.
Where every name resolves to the same IP address. I don't know if it still
works under bind. You can try.

You simply setup a root zone file with a wildcard pointing to the A record.
Or you can build a server to do that.

joe baptista

If you need help get back to me privately.

On Mon, Feb 1, 2010 at 6:50 PM, fddi <> wrote:

> Hello,
> I need to setup a local named configuration so that ANY request will be
> resolved
> to a specific single IP only.
> I mean any kind of DNS resolutin request
> www.anything.tld
> should be resolved in for example
> I need this because I need to redirect users to a local web portal
> authentication page and I need
> to do it using DNS.
> is there any kind of named configuration which can allow me to achieve this
> result ?
> I tryed hard but without any success
> for example I tryed this:
> in named.conf:
> zone "." IN {
>       type master;
>       file "named.root";
> };
> then in named.root:
> $TTL    86400
> @                       1D IN SOA       @ root (
>                                       42              ; serial (d. adams)
>                                       3H              ; refresh
>                                       15M             ; retry
>                                       1W              ; expiry
>                                       1D )            ; minimum
>                       1D IN NS        @
>                       1D IN A
> but it works only for   .
> and not recursively for anydomain issued in the request.
> thank you
> Rick
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