On Tue, Feb 02, 2010 at 05:05:12PM +0100, fddi wrote:
> thank you for the precious suggestion
> I just missed the * hint :)
> so my configuration was almost done.
> here is the final configuration and it works...
> thanks to all

I'm amazed that this works.

Oh, I see why - it thinks that the IP address is a domain NAME!

You MUST have a name to the right of your "NS" record.  But in this
case, you have the host name "172" in the subdomain "16.30.30".
Normally, to make this work, you must add           IN A

and have a separate zone for the domain "16.30.30." [which is QUITE
DIFFERENT from the domain "30.30.16.in-addr.arpa."].

If you don't understand this, think about it for a while - and about
the fact that what is to the right of the "NS" record is NEVER
interpreted as an IP address, it is ALWAYS interpreted as a name.

Thank you for the amusing anecdote.  ;-)

> $TTL    86400
> @                       1D IN SOA       @ root (
>                                         42              ; serial (d. adams)
>                                         3H              ; refresh
>                                         15M             ; retry
>                                         1W              ; expiry
>                                         1D )            ; minimum
>                         1D IN NS
> *                       IN A  

** Joe Yao                              j...@tux.org - Joseph S. D. Yao
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