Nice write up.  It explains WHY we had the weird delegation on switching
carriers a few years back and also explains why I had to put my kluge

However, I wonder how easy it is in practice to get a company the size
of AT&T to do individual delegations for dozens or hundreds of IPs?
You mention it as if it is a non-issue but I suspect they'd balk at such
a request.

-----Original Message-----
From: Jonathan de Boyne Pollard
Sent: Wednesday, February 24, 2010 4:36 AM
To: Lightner, Jeff; BIND users mailing list
Subject: Re: Query denied errors on PTR records for delegated zone

        I did run into some oddities in setting up arpa zones to be able
to query them inside my network and outside my network [...]

You've hit one of the several reasons that RFC 2317 style delegation
should be avoided
7-delegation.html> : Your lookup tools require a specific structure for
reverse-lookup domain names, but your delegation scheme imposes a
different structure.  RFC 2317 style delegation broke the convenience
features of your lookup tools.

        I note it as originally I was pulling my hair out trying to
figure out why digs directly to my DNS server via the internal facing
interface wouldn't resolve like the ones on the external facing

You're wishing that you'd read the aforelinked Frequently Given Answer
ages ago, now, aren't you?  (-:
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