
please configure your mailer to wrap lines below 80 characters per line.
72 to 75 is usually OK.

Thank you.

On 02.03.10 14:02, Fuat Demir (Garanti Teknoloji) wrote:
> I have 2 slave 1 master server.
> master is located in different subnet from the slaves.
> Lets say, (ns1) and (ns2) are the real ip addresses of the 
> slaves which have public NAT address for allowing queries from internet for 
> authoritive zones. These public address lets say (ns1) and 
> (ns2).
> In conf file of slaves i have a statement that "notify no".

where? in the options {} statement? in the view {} statements? Or in the
zone {} statement for xxx.com?

> When i configured conf file and reconfigure in slaves, i see transfer logs 
> like this,
> in the xfer log of ns1, it says "notify: info: client received 
> notify for zone 'xxx.com'
> in the xfer log of ns2, it says "notify: info: client received 
> notify for zone 'xxx.com'
> Please note that, ns1 recieves notify form the public address of ns2 and ns2 
> recieves notify from the public address of ns1.
> In both slave server, domain names for ns1 and ns2 are the public addresses 
> of itselves.

check all notify settings in config file. Maybe the one you see is not the
one that applies.
Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uh...@fantomas.sk ; http://www.fantomas.sk/
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