Hello I have one domain

test.com with namserver ns.test.com (

and a subdomain

cr.test.com with nameserver ns.cr.test.com (

my problem is that if I update hostnames inside test.com zone
updates are not seen by cr.test.com nameserver

they are seen if I restart named on cr.test.com

actually on ns.cr.test.com I have the following directive

zone "test.com" IN {
       type forward;
       forward only;
       forwarders {; };

but when I update the father zone test.com for example I add an ip address,
the update is not seen by cr.test.com nameserver and I have to restart named and after that it works. So that clients using cr.test.com nameserver cannot see updates to test.com domain ip addresses.

I do not know how to fix this problem unless I configure cr.test.com to be slave of test.com
but i did not want to do so.

any hints ?

thank you


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