> Date: Mon, 03 May 2010 17:37:46 +0200
> From: fddi <f...@gmx.it>
> To: Bind Users Mailing List <bind-users@lists.isc.org>
> Subject: problem with domain and sub-domain configuration
> X-FuHaFi: 0.68000000000000005
> Hello I have one domain
> test.com with namserver ns.test.com (
> and a subdomain
> cr.test.com with nameserver ns.cr.test.com (
> my problem is that if I update hostnames inside test.com zone
> updates are not seen by cr.test.com nameserver

Do you update the serial number in the zone file before you save the 

What you describe seems indicative of no update.  The serial must be 
bumped once per update.  This indicates that the zone has been changed 
and a reload is necessary.  After you save the zone file, execute a 
"rndc reload <zone>" to make named reload the zone.

Hope this helps.

> they are seen if I restart named on cr.test.com
> actually on ns.cr.test.com I have the following directive
> zone "test.com" IN {
>         type forward;
>         forward only;
>         forwarders {; };
> };
> but when I update the father zone test.com for example I add an ip 
> the update is not seen by cr.test.com nameserver and I have to restart 
> named and after that
> it works. So that clients using cr.test.com nameserver cannot see 
> updates to test.com domain ip addresses.
> I do not know how to fix this problem unless I configure cr.test.com 
> be slave of test.com
> but i did not want to do so.
> any hints ?
> thank you
> Rick
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Gregory Hicks                           | Principal Systems Engineer
                                        | Direct:   408.569.7928

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stand ready to do violence on their behalf -- George Orwell

The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.  -- Thomas Jefferson

"The best we can hope for concerning the people at large is that they
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