This thread has gotten bogged down in silliness. (Not referring to Paul's 

First, dns-validation is 'off' by default in all BIND versions. It's 
dnssec-enable that started defaulting to 'yes'.

Second, your firewall is simply broken. You will continue to have problems with 
DNS until you fix/replace it. I have not seen a recent firewall broken in this 
manner for a while, but this was quite common a couple of years ago.

For the moment, turning off dnssec-enable is probably your best hope, but it's 
not a fix and you are likeky to see continuing problems on a smaller scale 
until the firewall is fixed.
Sent from my Treo:
R. Kevin Oberman, Network Engineer
Energy Sciences Network (ESnet)
E. O. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL)                      +1 510-486-8634

-----Original Message-----
From: Paul Wouters <>
Date: Friday, Jun 4, 2010 9:20 am
Subject: Re: disable dnssec in bind resolver
To: Evan Hunt <>

On Fri, 4 Jun 2010, Evan Hunt wrote:

> I'm pretty sure "dnssec-enable no" does suppress the DO bit.  If it
 doesn't, that's probably a bug.

Yeah, I thought the default changed when all those NAT routers proved buggy.

> If it doesn't, though, try "edns no".  You can't have a DO bit if you
 don't have a place to put one.

This seems a bit like "my left leg hurts, so i stabbed my right leg".

> And, fix the broken firewall as soon as possible. :)

Now that is solid advise :)

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