On 6/4/2010 1:52 PM, R. Kevin Oberman wrote:

> First, dns-validation is 'off' by default in all BIND versions. It's
> dnssec-enable that started defaulting to 'yes'.

No, it isn't.  The only reason that dnssec-validation appears "off" is
that without trust anchors, it doesn't do anything.  Insert a trust
anchor and you validate, even without "dnssec-validation yes;" in your


> Second, your firewall is simply broken. You will continue to have
> problems with DNS until you fix/replace it. I have not seen a recent
> firewall broken in this manner for a while, but this was quite common
> a couple of years ago.

100% agreed.

> For the moment, turning off dnssec-enable is probably your best hope,
> but it's not a fix and you are likeky to see continuing problems on a
> smaller scale until the firewall is fixed.



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