
my isp has some private address space which has dns resolution and can be 
queried from the outside world.

I asked them about this because we use this private address space and it is 
showing up in our DNS lookups. here was there response;

>    I've discussed this with our systems administrators and have been told 
> that this is performing as expected.  ISP DNS servers do contain information 
> about private adresses that are in use on our network.  If you are utilizing 
> our DNS servers, you will see resolution of private IPs to ISP hostnames when 
> appropriate.  That will not occur using external DNS servers.  You will see 
> resolution of PTD hostnames to private IPs from external servers, but not IP 
> resolution to hostnames.  As long as reverse DNS (IP to hostname) is not 
> propogating, things are functioning normally.

so even from google public dns i see lookups that refer back to a private 
address space on my ISP's net.

is that right ?
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