Well, RFC 1918 *itself* says you shouldn't do this:

   If an enterprise uses the private address space, or a mix of private
   and public address spaces, then DNS clients outside of the
   enterprise should not see addresses in the private address space
   used by the enterprise, since these addresses would be ambiguous.

(In Section 5, Operational Considerations).

But, you should understand that RFC 1918 itself is only a "BCP" (Best Current Practice), not a Standards-Track document, so you can't really call the RFC Police on them.

On the other hand, common sense would dictate that if you use RFC 1918 at all, you shouldn't pick and choose which parts of it you follow and which parts you don't. The arguments go both ways on this point, see e.g. http://www.merit.edu/mail.archives/nanog/2006-09/msg00359.html

- Kevin

On 8/9/2010 8:09 PM, donovan jeffrey j wrote:

my isp has some private address space which has dns resolution and can be 
queried from the outside world.

I asked them about this because we use this private address space and it is 
showing up in our DNS lookups. here was there response;

    I've discussed this with our systems administrators and have been told that 
this is performing as expected.  ISP DNS servers do contain information about 
private adresses that are in use on our network.  If you are utilizing our DNS 
servers, you will see resolution of private IPs to ISP hostnames when 
appropriate.  That will not occur using external DNS servers.  You will see 
resolution of PTD hostnames to private IPs from external servers, but not IP 
resolution to hostnames.  As long as reverse DNS (IP to hostname) is not 
propogating, things are functioning normally.
so even from google public dns i see lookups that refer back to a private 
address space on my ISP's net.

is that right ?
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