On 2010-10-15 17:14, João Alberto Kuchnier wrote:
> Dispite of that, I'm having some problems with reverse DNS. MxToolBox,
> for example, is saying that my reverse DNS is not configured.
That's because it isn't:

if I query for (i.e. the reverse lookup for
IP, I don't get the delegation that you have configured.
Instead I get an NXDOMAIN with SOA 101.198.200.in-addr.arpa.

In other words: ns.ipaccess.diveo.net.br. is not configured to delegate
the reverse zones to your server. Instead, it responds authoritatively
that this reverse mapping does not exist. Best to verify with them why
they are not delegating correctly

> Below is one my reverse configuration on named.conf.local:
> zone "dataprom.com-0-" {
>         type master;
>         file "/etc/bind/dataprom.com/rev";
>         allow-transfer { slave; };
> };
> $TTL 216000
> $ORIGIN 101.198.200.IN-ADDR.ARPA.
Your zone is configured as dataprom.com-0-
In the file itself, you leave out the dataprom.com-0-15 part, so the
whole file will be considered as out-of-zone data and ignored.

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