On 12/30/10 3:04 PM, Lightner, Jeff wrote:
If qmail is open source then YOU can patch it to your heart's content
and might even want to fork the project so you're maintaining it for

Expecting BIND to hold itself back or patch itself for 1998 standards is
a bit like expecting people that maintain websites to keep support for
Mosaic.  It's hard enough to get them to do it for Firefox, Chrome,
Opera et al let alone going back to things ancient browsers did.

I think Lazy was suggesting that we need another *qmail* patch, not a BIND patch. Note that qmail previously wouldn't accept any DNS response over 512 bytes, even if it was received via TCP. That is clearly broken behavior that has since been patched. However, there are still a bunch of unpatched qmail systems out there. I have found it much easier to tell qmail admins who can't resolve 'ANY berkeley.edu' to go get the latest patchset rather than engage them in the usual religious war.

I *do* generally agree with your and Tony's points, but regardless of whether you think it's valid for qmail to be doing ANY queries to canonicalize email domains, the ANY query is a legitimate DNS query and it should be supported by authoritative servers. Moreover, TCP is REQUIRED by the DNS specs and it is NOT okay to block it. It's not okay to say "I don't really think that anyone should be querying for ANY microsoft.com, so I will allow such queries to break in an ungraceful way." We should be all the more concerned that a query of "TXT microsoft.com" yields a 494-byte answer, just 18 bytes away from being broken in the same manner. Legitimate non-qmail MTAs do need to do TXT queries for SPF and other records.

At any rate, it may make sense to move this discussion over to dns-operations@, since we seem to be in agreement that this isn't a BIND problem.

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