> www.example.com.   CNAME   web.me.com.
> When you point your browser to www.example.com (obviously not
> "example") the page on web.me.com loads properly but www.example.com is
> still displayed in the address bar.

What happens in this case is: the web browser you use will connect to the
address of web.me.com but will present a HTTP host header asking for
www.examle.com. Depending on the configuration of the webserver on that
host, it may serve web pages from a default document root, which may or
may not be the same as web.me.com

> www.ioanamorosan.com.  CNAME   ioanamorosan.tumblr.com.
> If you go directly to ioanamorosan.tumblr.com, the site loads, but if
> you go to www.ioanamorosan.com, you get a tumblr.com 404 error page. The
> browser still displays www.ioanamorosan.com in the address bar.

In this case, the webserver on ioanamorosan.tumblr.com doesn't know how to
deal with requests coming in for www.ioanamorosan.com and gives that error
The administrators of the webserver could add a ServerAlias setting in
their Apache configuration, to put requests into the correct document

Eivind Olsen

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