
Nicholas Miller, ITS, University of Colorado at Boulder

On May 11, 2011, at 7:08 AM, Juergen Dietl wrote:

> Hello,
> and thanx for all your answeres.
> I want to ask the question again in a shorter way:
> If I look in the log the client tells the dns-server:
> request has valid signature: WS-YBCL150939\$\@EXAMPLE.TEST
> when I now put in the rule:
> grant WS-YBCL150939\$\@EXAMPLE.TEST subdomain example.test. ANY;
> ONLY THIS client is allowed to make update. So I would have to make 50k lines 
> - one for each client :-)
> So I look for a way that I can say that all clients from EXAMPLE.TEST are 
> allowed to update their own record (or whatever).
> It should work like this grant *\$\@EXAMPLE.TEST subdomain example.test. ANY;
> I also do not know what the $-sign is for and why the syntax is so strange 
> \...\@.
> In the named.conf I also use the 
> tkey-gssapi-keytab "/etc/krb5.keytab";
> I cannot use the
> tkey-gssapi-credential "DNS/lxdns10t.prim-dns.test1.t...@example.test";
> tkey-domain "EXAMPLE.TEST";
> Because I need one key for every domain and so I must join them with KTUTIL 
> making one big keytab. And with the old sytax I only can use one credential.
> Any new idea?
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