On 5/12/2011 3:21 PM, Michelle Konzack wrote:
Hello CT,

Am 2011-05-12 13:09:35, hacktest Du folgendes herunter:
Primary Name server
bind    - 9.7.3
OS    - CentOS 5.6
Authoritative for 2 zones using DNSSEC

This may be an obvious question but I will ask anyway.. :)

I want to change the name of the server

IP Address - no change

- change soa in master zone files
- work with slaves to make sure named.conf are correct

Other than that are there any gotchas.. ??

I am wondering if I will have to "unsign" my zones
and the upload new keysets to the registrar.
What does this havve to do with my Test-Message?

Threading on mailing lists has been broken since approximately forever. The "CT" poster no doubt hit "respond" to your post and then changed the Subject: and body of their message, rather than creating a new message to the list. It's a newbie mistake, to be sure, but a fairly common one. This is the risk one always runs when posting to the list.

- Kevin

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