In message <>, CT writes:
> Primary Name server
> bind    - 9.7.3
> OS    - CentOS 5.6
> Authoritative for 2 zones using DNSSEC
> This may be an obvious question but I will ask anyway.. :)
> I want to change the name of the server
> from
> to
> IP Address - no change
> - change soa in master zone files
> - work with slaves to make sure named.conf are correct
> Other than that are there any gotchas.. ??
> I am wondering if I will have to "unsign" my zones
> and the upload new keysets to the registrar.

To do a graceful transition to a new nameserver you should.

* Commision the new nameserver.
* Add the new address records and wait for them to propogate to
  all authoritative servers and any cached negative responses for
  them to expire.
* Add the NS record for the new nameserver.
* Update the parent zone to ADD the new nameserver and glue.
* Wait for the old NS RRet and referrals to expire from caches.
* Remove the NS record for the old nameserver.
* Update the parent zone to REMOVE the old nameserver and glue.
* Wait for the intermediate NS RRet and referrals to expire from caches.
* Remove the old address records if they are no longer required.
* Decommision the old nameserver.

As the addresses of the new and old nameservers are the same you 
can shorten this process a little.

* Add the new address records and wait for them to propogate to
  all authoritative servers and any cached negative responses for
  them to expire.
* Update the NS RRset
 + Add the NS record for the new nameserver.
 + Remove the NS record for the old nameserver.
* Update the parent zone
 + Update the parent zone to ADD the new nameserver and glue.
 + Update the parent zone to REMOVE the old nameserver and glue.
* Wait for the old NS RRet and referrals to expire from caches.
* Remove the old address records if they are no longer required.

In all cases you re-sign the zone whenever you make changes to it.

> Thx
> CT
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