It seems like there are two ways I could delegate a zone.

I could, in the zone file for the parent, simply list the name of the zone
and a number of NS records to which the zone has been delegated.

Or, I could create a zone statement within named.conf that points to a file
that contains an SOA and a number of NS records to which the zone has been

Which is better and which should I prefer?

Ideally, I'd like to make the zone first with the NSes pointed to the same
server plus various and sundry other As and CNAMEs, but need help on this
point before I do anything.

BTW, this is on RHEL's BIND9 and no, the master has yet to have the RHEL
bind97 RPMs installed, and yes, I am a bad admin for not doing that.

Peter Laws / N5UWY

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