On Fri, Oct 28, 2011 at 04:48:10PM +0000, Laws, Peter C. wrote:
>> It seems like there are two ways I could delegate a zone.
>> I could, in the zone file for the parent, simply list the name of the zone
>> and a number of NS records to which the zone has been delegated.
>> Or, I could create a zone statement within named.conf that points to a file
>> that contains an SOA and a number of NS records to which the zone has been
>> delegated.
>> Which is better and which should I prefer?

> Bill Owens owens at nysernet.org wrote:

>If I'm reading this correctly, both ;) I take it the same servers are 
>authoritative for both parent and child, right? You can get away with just 
>creating the new zone in named.conf and not delegating it properly in the 
>parent, due to a quirk in BIND behavior; it always answers from its authority 
>and the chain of resolution will always pass through the server (because it's 
>authoritative for the parent). But when* you configure DNSSEC, the lack of NS 
>records in the parent zone will break your configuration. So installing them 
>now will save you that grief later.

>I don't think that the order is particularly important, since queries can't be 
>answered until the zone is created and configured in named.conf, though I 
>suppose that creating the zone first is slightly more correct.

Thanks.  That's the bit I was looking for,  SOME stuff is a quirk of BIND, like 

OK, so simply putting the NS records in the parent zone is sufficient to make 
it a separate zone.  No need to put stuff in named.conf unless I want to or 
until I actually delegate to a different set of nameservers.

My thought was to create the new zones as zones on the parent server as a 
prelude to actually delegating them, in a  sense, delegating the zone to 
myself.  That will let me clean stuff up and get it ready for the coming move.  

Yes, DNSSEC is, IMHO, much like IPv6 - no one wants to mess with it but a lot 
of people claim it's inevitable.  *Hopefully* both will end up like maglevs and 
monorails - "technology of the future: always has been, always will be".  :-)

Peter Laws / N5UWY

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