On Mon, Jan 2, 2012 at 10:58 AM, DNSbed.com <supp...@dnsbedhosting.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I just noticed namecheap's NS servers are five .org hostnames:
> namecheap.com.          86400   IN      NS      ns3.mydyndns.org.
> namecheap.com.          86400   IN      NS      ns2.mydyndns.org.
> namecheap.com.          86400   IN      NS      ns1.mydyndns.org.
> namecheap.com.          86400   IN      NS      ns4.mydyndns.org.
> namecheap.com.          86400   IN      NS      ns5.mydyndns.org.
> .org is not served by the com/net NS servers group.
> So I want to know how they register ns1-5.mydyndns.org into the root's NS
> servers?

They don't.

The "easy" way to add NS for your zone is to use NS servers on another
zone. For example:

namecheap.com -> NS = ns*.mydyndns.org
mydyndns.org -> NS= ns*.dynamicnetworkservices.net.

> I ask this because, for example, I have the domain nsbeta.info.
> (info and org are served by the same NS servers group)
> I registered two NS records of dwdns1.nsbeta.info and dwdns2.nsbeta.info in
> org's NS servers.
> nsbeta.info itself is resolved by this two NS servers.
> But when I tried to setup a .net/.com domain to use these two NS, it can't
> setup, says NS is not registered.

You need to add glue records. For example, here's the instruction for
godaddy: http://www.ehow.com/how_8116690_add-glue-records-godaddy.html

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