On Mon, Jan 2, 2012 at 12:35 PM, DNSbed.com <supp...@dnsbedhosting.com> wrote:
> Well, say I want to setup the domain "mydots.net" to use these two NS:
> dwdns1.nsbeta.info
> dwdns2.nsbeta.info
> How can I setup the glue in Godaddy?

Glue records are only needed if the ns is on the same domain. e.g.
nsbeta.info -> NS = dwdns1.nsbeta.info.

If you want another domain (e.g. mydots.net) to use
dwdns1.nsbeta.info. as NS, you should be able to just add it.

doman manager -> select domain name -> set nameservers -> I have
specific nameservers for my domains.

Anyway, since this is not BIND issue, you should contact godaddy
support if you still have problems.

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