As others have pointed out, you configure both A and AAAA records into your zone for the same name, and then the client makes *separate* queries for each.

If you want a lot more detail on the process, check out RFC 3493, which describes the socket interface for IPv6, in particular the getaddrinfo() library routine which can fetch IPv4 and/or IPv6 addresses for a given node name or service name, and also RFC 3484, which goes into detail as to how the client will decide which source and destination addresses to use when communicating with other nodes, once the IPv4 and/or IPv6 address(es) are obtained from DNS (or any other source).

- Kevin

On 1/6/2012 8:05 AM, Brian Hamacher wrote:

I would like to configure my DNS Server to respond with A and AAAA records when someone queries for a specific site. I don't know if this functionality is even available but if it is would someone mind pointing me in the right direction to get this configured.

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