On Fri, 2012-02-17 at 07:11 -0800, Chris Buxton wrote:

> Yes, it's quite possible to split named.conf into separate per-zone .conf 
> files and then 'include' them back into named.conf. You can even put the list 
> of include statements in a separate file, and then include that into 
> named.conf.
> named.conf:
> options {
>       [...]
> }
> include "/path/to/etc/zones.conf";
> zones.conf:
> include "/path/to/etc/zone1.conf";
> include "/path/to/etc/zone2.conf";
> [...]

If the OP is trying to avoid inline editing, does not the above become
pointless? Still requires inline editing to remove the
include "/path/to/etc/zone1.conf", else named will have an error on

Being involved in the apache discussion I think I see where he wants to
do, but I'm not sure if bind works like that.

(/me   fires up dev box)
OK,  Nick, it will not do what you want.

Perhaps this is better off as a feature request, and, one that makes
sound sense to me, although I include one hosts.conf file and put all
entries in that and like most are very happy that way, if people are
including singular zone files from another include file, it would make
far better sense, less messy too (I think)

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